We do not usually give it the importance and transcendence that it has until we lose it, being then when we realize that everything that in principle seemed more important and priority lacks all that importance.

Health is an intangible good that cannot be quantified, because it does not really have a value as such, and health is something so extremely important that it values everything else.

In our portal and women online magazine you will find articles and news written by medical professionals who practice their profession in private consultations or in hospitals of the public or private Spanish healthcare system.

Health and medical specialists in specialized primary care, in general medicine, in internal and preventive medicine, in plastic and aesthetic surgery, neurology, urology, nephrology, dermatology, pediatrics as well as in many other branches and medical specialties.

The advice and recommendations of our collaborators do not replace at any time those that your family doctor can provide you in primary care or in the medical consultation, nor can they qualify as a second medical opinion performing a self-diagnosis.

Do you think there is something more important than health? We think that health is the first thing that should occupy our daily agenda and be our main priority. No dream, no goal or purpose can be achieved without health. Of what use would the recognition, the money, the dream come true if you are not healthy enough to enjoy it?

“Health exceeds external goods in such a way that in reality a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.”

“In general, nine-tenths of our happiness are based on health.”

“It is true that nothing contributes less to happiness than wealth, and that nothing contributes more to it than health.”

We are also fully convinced that in the information age on issues that affect our health it is vital to be informed of good sources and great specialists in each subject. That is why we try to select and incorporate great doctors and specialists.

In the articles that we publish about Women’s blogs on relationships and Health you will see clearly who is the professional who writes each article, what is his specialty and if he is in a reference hospital center, private clinic, etc. That is, where they exercise their activity and you can find them.

Thanks to our sponsors, advertisers, coordinators and above all to our collaborators we can offer the best advice and recommendations regarding health, beauty, aesthetics, nutrition, diets, couples, , pregnancy, baby care, children, adolescents, sports practices and much more.

The articles we publish are of great quality, being written by doctors and other specialists in each subject.

Among our professional collaborators, our sponsors and referenced products, we are trying to create a great community that is committed to a healthy lifestyle.

Balanced diets: healthy diet and nutrition

In this section you can find articles on healthy eating habits that will allow you to enjoy nutrition and health with greater guarantees. Articles like the imc woman index of ideal body mass that will allow us to have an orientation to calculate the healthy weight for our body.

Whatever your goal, do not pay attention to miracle diets. Always remember to have the supervision and follow-up of a qualified specialist in the field. Whether they are expert nutritionists, sports dieticians or whatever their specialty, these qualified professionals can help you among other objectives to eat a healthy diet to lose weight and lose weight properly. In this way you can lose weight with health by eating a healthy diet. Avoiding the intake of unhealthy foods that you should avoid in a healthy and balanced diet.
