When i was aged seven, i heard a fascinating story about a king who said will reward any one who identified their true self. For several days, men and women came to the palace to tell the king who they were. Some called themselves by their names, others described themselves by their occupation, status, skill proficiency etc.

One day, a hunter came to the palace and was asked the same question; and the response goes thus:

‘I am very relevant and whom the world can not do without”.

(The king was shocked by the hunter’s audacity).

The king: ”..but you are are a hunter; what will the world do with you?..”

Hunter: “I choose not to be seen and judged by my appearance and situation, but by the potential of what i would become”.

Many at times, we do not know who we are and the level of power that lies within us.

Know Thyself

One of the characteristics of a proactive leader is to Know thyself first of all. A Proactive leader do not let situations or their current status define them. They are target-driven and high above limits and circumstances. When a proactive leader know their true self, they are driven to motivate people around them. It is imperative to know what you stand for, your worth and be vision-driven. A proactive leader is a visionary leader that sees beyond a present situation. They stand for integrity, truth, justice and hope.

What are your goals and belief? How can you shape them unto success? Your values and vision compels you to see yourself through your own eyes.  Like they say, every man has a prize. What is yours? Let every decision you make be tailored for good.


A proactive leader serves. Whether community, people etc. They are willing to proffer solutions before they are being told. Most at times, they apply initiative to challenge, judgement and thinking. Proactive leaders are called to serve. They do not consider the gains or benefits they will derive, rather the fulfillment of others is one of their key objective. Leadership is in the place of service and sacrifice. A leader truly deprives himself off things that will obstruct him or her of excellence.

A proactive leader should be highly proficient to using initiative, applying wisdom and implement changes. Leadership trait is not totally innate, it is cultivated and can be imbibed. He or She is selfless and is most interested to see followers grow and be redefined.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to work with anybody in any given environment. It is an array of non-cognitive capabilities, competencies and skills that influence one’s ability. A proactive leader must know and understand the mood of people or followers around them. They discern and apply wisdom to actions and appropriate guidance to anybody. When a leader is emotionally intelligent, he or she is highly skilled to adapt, flexible, creative, logical in reasoning and has a high problem sensitivity.

Be Exceptional

A proactive leader is exceptional when he or she meet desires and unrecognized needs. They go out of their way to inspire and motivate followers to succeed. They work towards productivity and progress. Mostly tagged ”leadership unusual” because they do not go with the crowd; rather they create a platform to be unique, relevant and powerful. An exceptional leader is mostly influential and inspire people to give their very best work.

Motivate people to learning new things, assist them, encourage and cheers them up, Be a source of inspiration. Be cognizant that being an exceptional proactive leader is a gradual process. You must consistently be open to learning, practice and apply positive changes. One can develop and increase leadership skills. 

Social Skills.

Be approachable. Be accessible. Be willing. Be eager. Communicate well and effectively.

A proactive leader does well to be a great communicator. How well do you communicate? Does your body language speak what you say or the reverse? Are you easy to access and approach? How do you pass a message? Do you speak softly or sound bold? Do you get nervous or worried when you talk to people?

Body language, Tone and Message should be perfect requirements and considered in being a proactive leader. It does not mean you should shout or be domineering in words. The way and manner a proactive leader interacts with people matter a great deal. It determines the attitude and feedback we get. Let people find you easy to talk to and be with. They should be excited under your tutelage because there is always something they can learn and get from you.

As a proactive leader, you should also be eager to learn. Learning never stops. Be willing to help yourself and help others. Success, is not just the capacity of accomplishing goals; it is the ability to impact people and turn situations…that is all that matters!

Have a Target!

Ask yourself a question. How many people will i impact this month? What is that one thing i need to change in order to be more productive? Have i completed that project i began or intend to start? Do i meet deadlines?

Setting a target is a good determinant in being a proactive leader. Look forward to having short-term goals, mid-term goals and long term goals. Identify something that you want to accomplish and establish measurable goals and set timeframes. It is not just enough to have priorities and goals set aside or written down; working towards the accomplishment matters mostly. Proactive leaders stretch themselves even when the process do not seem positive. Begin to prioritize.


This is where a proactive leader get to pay the deal!

I personally have different mentors for different concerns of my life. There is the career mentor, the scholar mentor, the family mentor and the spiritual mentor. Each of these mentor play a significant and impeccable role in my life.

We may or may not have as much mentors as these; but the most important is having someone who can still guide you unto success. One who is bias-free and will drive you harder just to see you go higher.

Mentorship is a framework and relationship
itself. As far as learning is concerned, Mentorship goes on and on because it is continual. A mentee can one day be a mentor to someone else. A proactive leader is answerable to someone, irrespective of status, wealth, education etc. Take note that great men and women were under tutelage by a mentor. A proactive leader learns and is not ashamed to grasp from others. They are also willing to share knowledge, skills and guidance to people, because they consider the success of others.

Wishing us the ultimate best as we undergo this journey of exceptional leadership! *winks*