Life seems to be getting busier and busier everywhere we look. We hold onto mistakes we made yesterday and think about what we will do tomorrow. So little time of today is actually spent on enjoying today.

Years ago, I told my Grandpa that I need to “Be Here Now.” He has held onto this little saying over the years and often reminds me of the phrase I shared with him. While taking this and applying it to life, it is so clear that too few of us are “in the moment.”

Try to imagine that the past and future aren’t real. The only moment that is real and evident is the moment you are in. When we focus on the moment at hand, life becomes more productive and enjoyable. Too much time is spent on stressing about what is to come.

Today, think about the current moment. Be Here Now. Each moment is a gift and why stress when the future isn’t guaranteed? Take this as reminder, just as I do so often from my Grandpa, and enjoy the moment at hand.

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