Don’t downgrade your dreams to match your reality, upgrade your  faith to match your destiny”- Unknown

During the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic world we live in many are struggling, however, the greatest challenges often turn out to be the greatest opportunities. Often times the Set back is the setup to a better life. I wanted to write this article to inspire you to chance your perception and then maybe your life will also change! I wanted to take this time to inspire you to start that company you always wanted. Write that screenplay. Compose that song. Reach out to that old friend you wanted to talk to and collaborate with but always made excuses about time. However, this all starts with the most powerful force in the universe. Your dreams!

We Are All Dreamers

We are all dreamers. Ever since you were young, you’ve always had dreams. You probably grew up with a vivid imagination and believed anything was possible. You were created to be a champion. Your potential is determined by your dreams. You are not limited by your circumstances, your place of birth, your current finances, or what your family thinks of you. If you can dream it now, then God, a higher power or anything you believe in has already made that a reality. Your plan is already in motion because your mind has made it a reality it is now a certainty that if you keep dreaming it you will force your body to take action to make it a reality.

Visualization Is Key And Dreams Are Free

Almost all the greatest inventions of humanity started from the mind. Don’t believe it? Well, here is an experiment. Imagine your dream car. Now draw it. See without visualizing that thing which we most desire we can’t make it a reality. I drew that 1969 Mustang. Your dreams are the blueprint for your manifestations. Every great idea that comes to life starts as a dream. Everything. You are the product of a supreme higher power’s dream. If you love someone you visualize them, you think about them, and do what you can to pursue them. Even our life’s partners start as an idea in the mind. Without our addictions formed in the mind for love, even that wouldn’t manifest into a reality. Only when you know what you like and want, can you go after what you like and want.

Also, dreams are free, they don’t cost anything. So, if they are free why not dream big dreams, bold dreams, dreams that are almost impossible. If you went to the mall and could have anything for free, you would buy lavish expensive things and not stuff from the dollar bin. Same with your life. Why are you playing small? Why aren’t you dreaming big and bold dreams? Most of us believe it’s not possible or afraid it won’t happen and don’t want the disappointment. On the contrary. It’s a disappointment to dream small dreams. Your parents gave life to you to be a visionary, a thinker, a doer and someone who manifests their full potential.

You were made to dream, you were made to soar like eagles, and you were meant to live a life filled with health, wealth, love & happiness. If you can dream it, you can manifest it. However, you must first remember that your mind is like a computer. Your software dictates your thoughts; if you program your software in mind to have positive, happy thoughts, your mind will make your body do positive, happy things. You could have the most advanced computer with the latest and greatest software. It can perform amazing calculations; similarly, if you fill your mind with excellent knowledge and skills, it will manifest into doing impossible things.

However, if you fill your mind with hate, negativity, or toxicity, it will be like putting malware or a virus in your brain and make you operate on a lower level than you were created to perform. Nothing that happens in your life is because you are defective, but you’ve filled your mind with negative emotions and thoughts and were given the wrong programming instructions. Often, we focus on the negative too long and tell ourselves things like, “I don’t deserve happiness, or I’m not talented, or I’m not attractive.” These are self-imposed viruses we place on our minds and corrupt our software.

Instead, if we think of ourselves like the world’s most advanced computers, then we realize that these are just flaws we have started programming into our mind like a virus and corrupting our beautiful souls. Alternatively, if you fill yourself with dreams, hopes, and goals, you’ll start to realize your dreams, hopes, and goals.

Wake up every day and write down on a piece of paper, “I’m smart, I’m healthy, I’m rich, I’m happy, I’m beautiful inside and out.” These things will then start to become a seed in your mind. This seed will sprout and grow daily, and eventually, if you believe and become it, it will manifest itself into a reality.
