Ehsan Mohammadi

You relax in an airplane though you do not know the pilot. You relax in a ship though you are not aware of the captain. You relax in the bus not knowing the driver. Why don’t you relax in your life while you are mindful of the fact that God is its controller? Trust your God. He is the best planner 

As long as you are alive, anything is possible. The only valid excuse you have to give up is if you are dead. As long as you are alive (and healthy and free,) you have the choice to keep trying until you finally succeed. Art is not always about pretty things, it’s about who we are, what happened to us and how our lives were affected.

A piece of art is not just about the aesthetic attributes. It’s a portal into the artist’s life and their unique experiences. Who knows this better than the sublime and versatile artist, Ehsan Mohammadi. Starting out at the tender age of 18, Ehsan was always fascinated and intrigued by the infamous Iranian art and its rich heritage. The sculptors, paintings, architecture and every abstract conveyed a meaning and told a story. Creativity is a wide spectrum and every artist has a different meaning and perspective of it. According to Ehsan, this is what makes an artist stand out and be extraordinary. Showcasing and channeling their raw mystics and philosophy of art to the world is what makes one a true artist.

But the reality hits differently. Many young artists and companies are taking advantage and plagiarising the original works of Iranian artists without authorisation. The tenacious Ehsan Mohammadi has openly spoken about the injustices faced by these hardworking artists. Ehsan claims that this unethical and evasive branding and marketing done by the big conglomerates and enterprises have robbed the ingenuine artists of their well-deserved recognition and credit. The 30-year-old artist has persistently expressed his discern and been an inspirational apostle for these unrenowned artisans.

Having an aptitude for creativity and innovation, Ehsan has fabricated several designs that embrace the grand and remarkable Persian culture. His aboriginal talent and exceptional demeanour to portray the authenticity and bare genuineness has gained him an exemplary amount of success and recognition across Iran. His ambition and dream to amalgamate Iranian art with modern culture and taking this extraordinary work to the global level has been fruitful.

The tenacious and vocal Ehsan is still fighting against the prejudices and making a difference for all the talented and ravishing artists. His work and words have inspired many such booming artists to come forward and demand their right as a creator.