Art. A graceful 3-lettered, one-syllable noun that encompasses a myriad of styles and forms of beauty. From Andy Warhol’s modern classics and Broadway bills to Michaelangelo’s Statue of David and Shakespeares’s sonnets, everyone, at one point or another, has delighted in the bliss of art. Although much of the beauty of art lies in its uncanny simplicity, anyone who has ever attempted to cultivate art knows that inspiration for a magical composition does not come effortlessly. For artisan Claudia La Bianca, however, inspiration and creativity are captured within her veins: “art is my blood, without it, my heart won’t beat.”

Born into a religiously artistic family in one of the cultural epicenters of Europe: Sicily, Italy, La Bianca was destined for grandeur from birth. La Bianca, the baby of four children, had experimented in numerous manners of art before most of her peers could ideate the most essential art skills. La Bianca took to artistry like a bee to pollen and by her early youth was known as “the crazy kid in town who painted Sicily’s walls.” La Bianca’s admiration for art continued to blossom into adulthood, despite enduring persistent denigration from her male classmates about her weight. 

La Bianca’s infatuation with the arts was boundless, and her yearning to achieve higher led her out of her country. In 1997, La Bianca commenced a new artistic path becoming a promoter of some of the most exclusive clubs and lounges, such as Liquid, Crobar, and the Space Terrace, in the Miami area. Unsatisfied with her success as a first-class promoter, La Bianca started anew and journeyed into film landing as the producer and director of multiple first-rate productions, including working with PBS, Walmart, and even Steven Spielberg (Yes that Steven Spielberg!). 

During this time, La Bianca created what she regards as her two most precious pieces of art — her children, Kalypso and Namu. Her children provide her the love, support, and motivation to prevail through even the strenuous circumstances. “They [her children] are my biggest supporters,” she said, “It’s not easy for a mom to balance children and work, but if you don’t give time to your own self, you can’t give yourself to others.”

Today, La Bianca has returned to her Sicilian roots, mainly painting murals and occasionally dipping in the realm of sculpture. Her modern artworks concentrate on feminism and advancing the social norms of women, and radiating love and positivity, she said: “I want to share the gift of creativity and positivity that I have, and it’s my purpose in life to create and inspire others through my art.” 

Presently, La Bianca is utilizing her social media platforms, which boast over 30 thousand followers combined, to spread love, positivity, and support for the healthcare providers on the front lines fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. La Bianca’s most recent composition titled “Our Heroes” portrays women health professionals donning their work scrubs, masks, and gloves, in a superhero-esque fashion, ready to battle the pandemic. La Bianca commends these women and their actions, saying, “They willingly jeopardize their lives to protect the lives of millions. They are the real heroes to me.” La Bianca is coordinating additional efforts to partner with local hospitals to provide funds, support, and hope to both healthcare officials and patients dealing with the virus.