Family Bonds & Constellation Work

An Actual Picture of My Family. ~Jack

Energetic Bonds Live Within Your Family

There are energetic bonds and energetic patterns that exist within all family systems. These bonds are either bringing you health, wellness and vitality or they’re burdening you – weighing you down and impacting your life-success.

But sometimes the bonds are simply broken, which will sap your life-force, vitality & strength.

Healthy Family Bonds– When family bonds are based on health and love, the family members receiving these connections thrive in life. They’re able to tackle BIG life-challenges, they find fruitful love-relationships and build successful structures in life. They’re energetically strong and resilient.

Wound Based (Toxic) Bonds– When the bonds are mixed with family wounds you can feel this. You may feel burdened, lack life-success and struggle with chronic problems such as illness and addiction.

Those attached through toxic family bonds have a hard time tackling life-problems, they can feel stuck and struggle. Life is harder when you’re unhealthily attached to the wounded people in your family.

Vampire (Taking) Bonds– Sometimes you’re bonded with someone who takes energy from you. I see this often between needy mothers and children. This bonding leaves children feeling depleted, sick and under-resourced. Children carry these imprints into adulthood.

Vampire bonds have similar impacts on one’s life to the broken bonds below. You may experience these bonds with friends and family. Notice when you feel continually depleted after talking with certain people.

Broken Bonds– If the bond among you and other family members (Particularly mom or dad) is missing or broken, you’ll struggle with life force and vitality. You can lack strength to navigate life’s challenges. You’ll have a hard time building successful ventures or navigating turbulent times in relationships. You may feel a strong sense of not belonging and not having family.

Family Bonds & Constellation Work

Family Constellation work addresses energetic bonds and dysfunctional patterns within families. Constellations work at an energetic level to re-establish healthy bonds. Where there was disconnection they create re-connection when possible. They also clean up wound based (toxic) bonds and block the taking, vampiric bonds.

Cleaning up bonds that harm you is imperative to your happiness and life-success.

If you’re negatively affected by unhealthy family bonds or are disconnected from your family, search for a nearby Family Constellation event and get support.

Jack Blackwell
