Sometimes things don’t work out. No matter how much you try. You fear that if left unchecked, there won’t be an ounce of joy and creativity left (Dementors’ Kiss, any one?!). Now what do you do? Here are my top 5 tips to clear your brain and get active again…

1. Stop obsessing about the problem. The universe has existed without us and probably can go on without us for another million years or so. Instead of demanding that the Supreme Consciousness obeys your diktat, try to stop caring so much. Letting go takes the pressure off, helps you see alternate options and frees the universe to deliver what is best for you. Albert Einstein once said – “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. Let the Universe work its magic!

2. Take care of your body. Most problems stem from the way your body has been treated. Take care of yourself. Go out for a brisk walk with a friend. Drink more glasses of water. Fast once a week. Spend the first fifteen minutes of the day meditating and away from gadgets.  

3. Write.  Writing is a powerful tool to relieve stress, straighten thought process, gain clarity and mental peace. Write out everything, preferably by hand. Don’t bother about how long it is or how you will get all of it done.

4. Show Gratitude. Think about someone whom you take for granted while chasing more “worthy” dreams. I bet this is someone who really loves you without any fanfare. Do something for this person without expecting anything back.

5. Project yourself into the future. See yourself 6 months/1 year/5 years from now. Visualise in detail where you would like to be after having solved the problem.Viktor Frankl was in the Auschwitz concentration camp learning about the death of his family members in a short span of a few days, but he chose to imagine himself coming out of it and teaching others. As Brendon Burchard says imagining a future that is brighter than the present, inspires and guides necessary actions. 

Now, be unstoppable!