Norman Towns

Everything we want is out there, waiting for us to claim it. Everything we want also wants us- but we have to take action to get them. We are told to keep our thoughts positive because it is our thoughts that eventually turn to become our words. Our positive words become behaviors. Positive behaviors become our habits. Good habits become our inherent values. At the end of it all, we can keep these values positive to experience our destiny. All these rely on manifestation. There is power in manifestation, according to Actor Norman Towns.

Norman Towns is an Actor, producer, musician, and creative from Los Angeles. He has steadily developed his career to become one of the best in the business. His experiences are enriched with priceless life lessons that have contributed to his growth. Norman Towns has been manifesting good things, at least ever since things started to make sense to him as an adult. He says that nothing external has power over him. How does he do it?

Stop worrying and practice gratitude for the little things we have achieved. This is Norman Towns’ way of getting in the right mental place, especially before a performance. A worried state prevents him from thinking straight. In order to avoid the obvious consequences of this, he writes down his worries, meditates on them, and keeps himself busy on other things that are not related to an action he is about to do. 

When you accept life with all difficulties, you grow up as a more mature and positive person. Gratitude makes you feel like a resilient person. This is the greatest benefit of gratitude as you develop a positive mindset about life after practicing it daily. You are grateful for what you have in your life not what you don’t have says Norman.

Norman Towns adds that instead of worrying about things we cannot control at times, it is better to focus our attention on things that we currently have. It can be our gift of life, career, success, or accomplishments, testaments of our existence as human beings. It is a heartwarming experience to continually remind yourself of all the good things you have done. This is manifestation!

People ignore the potential of self-affirmations in our lives. These are statements that we say to ourselves repetitively to purposefully create or alter our core subconscious beliefs. Unknown to many, when we do this, we are creating new neural pathways in our brains, and if done for a longer time, they tend to exist for a lifetime. 

Norman Towns uses self-affirmations whenever he is sad, stressed, or inconvenienced by a particular issue. He chooses to be positive regardless of the predicament that is about to arise. Norman Towns advises people to use affirmations to shift their perspectives from impossibility to ability, from pessimism to optimism- from failure to success. Manifestation!

Norman Towns’ parting shot, “Boldness has power, genius, and perhaps magic in it. Whatever you can dream or can do, begin doing it!”