
Being motivated is an attitude of mind.  You can’t always choose or control your situation, but you can choose how you think about it.  It’s your drive to achieve and helps you to cope with challenges and opportunities. 

Many people struggle at times with staying motivated, but as we face the uncertainty of the future, our well-being depends on a positive outlook.  A lot of our ability to cope with life depends on our attitude.

Getting your life together means taking responsibility for where you want to go.  You have the power to be more motivated it’s your choice.  It’s important to understand yourself and how you are likely to respond to situations. 

Accepting your strengths and weaknesses will help you to enjoy immense personal growth.  Building on positive qualities will help to increase your level of life satisfaction.  

How To Get Motivated

Try to focus on small tasks or break bigger projects down into smaller goals.  This way you can build momentum without getting overwhelmed.  Any small successes will reinforce your thinking with proactive confident empowerment. 

Re-evaluating your project or goal can help you improve your productivity, as you define what it really is you want to achieve.  Committing to an action is a great way to create motivation.  Once you’ve started you’ll feel more motivated to continue.

Try to surround yourself with positively motivated people.  They will help you grow and see opportunities.  Human beings do not thrive well alone, so it’s important to seek out connections with others. 

We all need a good support system and it’s worth remembering that people often feel more motivated when they are helping others.

Be Part Of  The Solution

Drawing on your past experiences can help you cope with the challenges you’re facing today.  It can help you find the positives in the difficult situations you’ve already lived through. 

Try to focus on what you can control instead of worrying about things you can’t.  If you use your motivation and energy to work on tackling tasks that you know that you can accomplish, you will achieve so much more.

Just by changing a negative thought process into a positive one, you can become constructively motivated.  If  for example, you want to take ownership of your financial life, then start to realize the power of the choices you make with a positively motivated mindset.

For some, hand in hand with wealth comes power and status, but will all this just lead to a fleeting and empty experience without the right mindset?

External Motivation

Money itself can be an extrinsic motivator, the drive to achieve that comes from wanting the external rewards like money and status.  Money rewards can not only be motivating but they can increase productivity and raise standards. 

It’s fine to use external sources to motivate you in some areas.  When you have money you have more freedom to live the way you want to. So it’s important to find out what spurs you into action.   It always helps to play to your strengths.

To stay motivated we need to be intentional about our behaviours to be sure we are staying on the right path. Schedule rewards for yourself when you accomplish your goals, it’s important to celebrate your successes.

When you think about motivation as a mindset, whatever you are working towards won’t change, but the way you think about it does.
