Healthy Life Tips

No matter how much we all love a neat and organized room, let’s face it: actually cleaning and organizing is a real drag.

Healthy Life Tips
Image by Thuan Vo from Pixabay

The thing is, we always seem to start sporadically, without a plan, and in an odd place. This time, let’s take a different approach.

Go Room by Room

It’s easy to get carried away when you want to start cleaning, but it’s important to take it slow. If you start at random, you won’t know where to go next and might become overwhelmed with everything else you have to do. Instead, follow these guidelines for a more efficient junk removal session.

  • Get a good view of the room, and make a plan.
  • Reorganize and clean first. This will create a pile of clutter you’ll have to go through.
  • Go through your clutter pile thoroughly. Make clear Yes/No piles to see what you will or won’t keep.
  • Love/need it? Keep it. Never use/wear it? Sell or donate it.

Examine Your Clutter

Clutter tends to form when you don’t have a regular place to store items. Take a good look at what gets dumped and where. This will help you find out exactly how to fix this issue. Are there coats and bags all over your sofa? Place hooks near the entrance. Do magazines and mail clutter your side and coffee tables? Keep a basket close to the door. Can’t find your keys, ever? Place a dish next to your mail basket.

Your Kitchen: A Clutter-Magnet

Most kitchens will benefit from a thorough junk removal session, but it’s important to know what you’re looking for. Kitchens tend to be magnets for random household items, opened mail, and paperwork, all of which usually don’t have designated spaces. First, find a home for all these elsewhere.

Then, look through your cupboards and toss out expired products. Anything that you don’t use but is still good should be donated. Clean the shelves and reorganize your cupboard. Make sure you group by type. Everyday items, such as cereals and snacks, should be readily accessible, whereas seasonal nonperishable ingredients should be stored on top shelves. Don’t shy away from using clear, airtight jars for storage as well. This helps keep track of what you’ll need sooner rather than later.

Take a look at these helpful tips to declutter your home before moving on to the next tip!

Your Bedroom and Closet

Your bedroom and closet should reflect your life and who you are. To keep your room mess-free, start off by decluttering your nightstand, and keep clutter-deterring decor at hand. Only keep essentials nearby, like reading glasses and one or two books, while having something like a potted plant, statues, or candles.

Next, separate your wardrobe into seasonal/special outfits in the back and everyday clothes upfront. Anything you don’t like or fit into goes in a donation bag. Lastly, your bed: if you love the feel of a clean and fresh hotel room, why not embody that aesthetic in your own room? Make your bed every morning for a fresh and clean feel. Believe me, it makes a huge difference.

Of course, there are still places to declutter, like the bathroom and living room. In the restroom, there’s always expired medicines and beauty products lingering somewhere. As for your living room, it could probably benefit from shelves or woven baskets for extra storage. Regardless of where you start, don’t forget to take it slow.


We hope that these tips for organizing and decluttering have been helpful and wish you the best with your junk removal and decluttering project.