Abraham Khader

Abraham Khader graduated from Indiana State University in 1985 with a bachelor of science in business management while minoring in finance. He lives in Orange County, California with his wife and kids. Khader has been in the life insurance business since 1987. Prior to that he was a door to door salesman with Electrolux where he learned sales techniques for a few years. After that, he gained experience in financial investing and sales with New York Life insurance company. He has superior training in sales after being a door to door salesman and a few years of intensive training with New York Life.

Sales… Sales… Sales

Khader serviced clients insurance needs, personal protection, retirement, educational funds and policies to protect assets from estate planning and so forth. Khader leads multiple insurance companies in sales, such as New York Life in 2000, 2001 and 2002.  He was also named Agent of the Year with New York Life in Southern California, and reached the highest honor in the industry with an achievement called “Million Dollar Round Table” (MDRT), and was even recognized as ‘Top of the Table’, the highest an insurance agent can reach in selling life insurance.  Following that, Abraham Khader became the number one agent in the whole country with Lincoln Benefit life for 3 years in a row, leading all sellers. He also led Penn Mutual in sales for a couple years in a row. Khader leads many insurance companies, and became the number one agent in the United States, and has become very oriented with people and excels in socializing with people.  He knows his grounds very well, loves sales, and that is all there is to it.

What do you love most about the industry you are in?

I love being able to help people reach their financial goals by advising them through certain stages of their professional lives. It’s also good knowing that I’m helping secure the financial future of families with life insurance in case of tragedy. Each day represents a new challenge and I think that is important to keep me on my toes.

What does a typical day consist of for you?

A typical day for me is all about servicing my clients and keeping myself up-to-date on new products and services within our field. This industry is always changing and it’s important for me to stay educated on new trends so that I can best assist my clients. Ultimately, the more knowledgeable I am on the happenings in the industry, the more I am able to get the most for my clients.

What keeps you motivated?

Helping people. When people come to me with their financial needs, I feel a responsibility to help them lay out a strategy for meeting those goals. I think that’s enough motivation to get me through the day.

How have you grown from your early days to now?

I grew gradually through the years. Some changes within the industry have led to a shift in the way we interact with people, and market potential clients.   My goal remains the same, as that is the case with everything.   You must adapt to the changing environment if you want to stay successful, and I think I’ve done a good job with that so far.

How do you maintain a solid work life balance?

I think it’s important to prioritize both work and play equally, but also knowing that each has its own time and place. When I’m at work, it’s all I’m focused on. But once I leave the office, I know that I need to give myself time to unwind and focus on the things that matter to me outside of work.

What is one piece of advice that you have never forgotten?

One piece of advice that I have never forgotten is that we live in the greatest country on earth and that we have massive opportunities.  All we have to do is concentrate, work hard and draw a map to where you want to be.  It is really up to you to reach to the top

What is the biggest life lesson you have learned?

Thru the years in sales and thru the years in dealing with people I learned how to trust people.  So therefore I learned how to be patient with people and you have to go with their standards and how they think.  If they are a doctor, you have to think like a doctor.  If they are lawyers, you have to think like a lawyer.  If they are engineers, you have to have a mentality of an engineer, if I want to sell.  It is such a pleasure to see myself achieving my client needs and goals in so many areas, and providing protection to their families.

Outside of work, what defines you as a person?

I would say that I’m very sociable – I like to have dinner with old friends and catch up when I can. I’m also a dedicated husband and an entertaining dad. Family is very important to me.  My hobby is walking, swimming, running and workout.  That is why I like to do sports.

Where do you see yourself in your career in 5 years?

I love sales. I plan on continuing to sharpen my skills and develop my sales techniques each and every day, so that I can offer the most value to my clients. I see my career continuing to expand and trying to help as many clients as possible.

In conclusion, sales is an art, once you learn it stays with you all the time.  You have to sell and you have to put people’s needs above your needs.  Do not over-sell and do not under-sell.  Just sell the right thing, to the right people at the right time. 

Explain the proudest day of your professional life.

The proudest day of my professional life is when I led the entire United States in being the number one life insurance agent with multiple insurance companies at the same time. That is when I knew that I could enlighten people in their financial insurance needs.  My professional message of my career has been to help many people achieve the status that I have achieved so far. 


  • Serena McKenzie

    Writer and entreprenuer

    I am an entrepreneur who has founded multiple successful businesses in the field of writing, content marketing, web design and SEO. Ever since graduating from the university, content marketing and writing has been one thing that I have been passionate about. It is my desire now to help entrepreneurs and businesses alike get their stories heard across the world.