So many of us think we are saying yes, when the truth is, we are barely getting by. We are barely tapping in to our FULL potential.

Do these seven things and LEAP into your most abundant life.

(The best part is that this potential already lies within you. Read on to awaken it!)

7: Show Up For Yourself

Now, this may sound simple, but I want you to take a minute to think about all the ways you go above and beyond for others but cut yourself short. (You know – you leave the salon with wet hair to get your kids to their event on time or prep everyone else’s meals for the week except your own.) Make a commitment today that the kind of behavior that puts you last stops now.

6: Set a Goal

When I chat about fulfilling potential, I’m always talking about goals. We build momentum and confidence when we have wins (big wins, small wins, doesn’t matter). Try setting a goal today for yourself that is within reach. Achieve it. See how it feels. Then, repeat the process. Each time you do so, begin with a goal that seems a little further out. Watch what happens.

5: Have a Non-negotiable

This is what is going to be your anchor as you set forth on your journey into Purpose-and-Potential Land. Establish one thing you will do for yourself on a monthly basis. Maybe it is a weekend getaway, maybe you’ll head to the movies, or indulge in a long massage. You choose something that you will refuse to go without. Then, the tricky part: DO IT. Having a non-negotiable gives you something to look forward to and removes the requirement for you to look for acceptance, validation or rewards from others. Consider this non-negotiable your own special treat that is to you, from you, just for being you.

4: Invest in Yourself

Get over it and invest in yourself. (I know…coming in hot on this one. But really, get over it.) There are so many options out there that will assist you in filling your cup. We awaken our truest selves and become more of who we are meant to be when we do something that keeps us curious, learning and evolving. Need ideas? Maybe you dive into a new book, maybe you pick up a new hobby or maybe you take a leap and go back to school. Whatever it is that excites you, thrills you and keeps your passion aflame, do that.

3: Learn to Ask For and Accept Help (We All Need It!)

So, this step is two-fold. The first part is that asking for help will be crucial to achieve Step 5. Chances are, having a non-negotiable requires you to take time out of your normal life. So you may need someone to assist in picking up the slack while you are out or help you double down so that you can free up time to make your non-negotiable actually happen. The second part of this step is that (contrary to your popular belief) you are not the best at every thing. My mentor, Gabby Bernstein, always teaches about taking a look at our lives and businesses and witnessing whether or not we are spending our time in our highest and best use. What she means by that is if you aren’t the best at graphic design, find someone who is and work with them while you do what you do best. Maybe you have someone help you run errands, with the laundry or with your accounting instead of trying to manage it all yourself. This will be different for everyone, but it will totally be worth it! Do you feel that sense of relief? I do.

2: Quit Making It Hard

Yes, you. Quit making it hard. If you are human, chances are, there may be slivers of stress and anxiety creeping into your days getting in the way of you being able to show up completely for yourself in all that you do. If this doesn’t apply to you, keep scrolling. But, I would be willing to bet that the large majority of us subconsciously find ways each and every day to sabotage our own desires. I just want to make it simple for you. Quit making it hard. Take an honest look at how you spend your time each day, what words come out of your mouth, what gestures and movements your body makes. Are you feeling good? Are you taking action? Are you being the way you should be being in order to receive what you want to be receiving? Honestly answering those questions will help you to reset and recalibrate. Remove all the things that don’t add up to your definition of success and quit making it hard.

1: Make Your Own Decisions

Many people believe they make their own decisions. Maybe you are one of them. But do you? Really? How are you spending your minutes, hours and days? Are you truly telling your time where to go? or do you have to do something for someone else first? Start by making small decisions that change the way an hour here or there is spent. Witness how you begin to crave more of the ability to be in your own kind of flow more often. Before you know it, you’ll be living with an entirely new perspective making one magical decision after the next in pursuit of your truest, most abundant life!
