Productive Working Day

Many people can sometimes feel like they work long hours each week, but don’t have the results to show for it. In many situations, not making productive use of your time can be to blame. 

While it might seem like you’ll never be able to squeeze more work into the average day, a few simple changes can make all the difference. Here are a few helpful tips and tricks for enjoying a much more productive working day. 

Outsource Work

You won’t find too many businesses that don’t have at least a small number of administration tasks. While important, they can take up a considerable amount of time. You may be able to avoid at least some of this type of work by hiring a transcription company

Rather than spend hours watching business meetings and presentations to collect the information you need, you can hire someone else to do it for you. This means you’ll have more time to focus on the tasks in your working week that make you money. 

Do the Hardest Jobs First

Most of us have fallen into the trap of completing the most challenging job on our list last. We spend all day avoiding it, only for it to end up cutting into our valuable family time after significant procrastination. Get into the habit of focusing on your most challenging jobs first. By doing so, you may feel like the rest of your day is much more productive

Sleep Well

According to the CDC, one in three adults is not getting enough sleep. Poor sleep can exacerbate pre-existing mood disturbances such as anxiety and depression. It may also put you at greater risk of certain health conditions. 

When you’re feeling fatigued, you’re unlikely to be giving each task 100% of your time and energy. If you want to start and end each working day with a bang, do your best to enjoy a good night’s sleep. 

Put some effort into improving sleep hygiene, such as turning off tech at night, avoiding caffeine from the afternoon onward, and exercising during the day. These small changes may lead to a more restful slumber. 

Make a To-Do List

It’s not uncommon to experience feelings of overwhelm when you have a lot to achieve before the working day or week ends. If you don’t tend to work with any kind of schedule, create a to-do list. 

This list might be basic, with the names of tasks to be completed, or extensive, with minutes and hours you’ve allotted to achieve them. Sometimes, the simple act of writing down everything you need to do can be enough to reduce your stress levels and improve your productivity.   


One of the last things you may feel like doing first thing in the morning is exercising, but studies show us that it may be worth it for a successful day at work. Exercise has been linked to a better mood and higher productivity levels. Both of these things can be important in demanding jobs that require your full attention. 

The type of exercises you try don’t have to push you to your limits. Instead, they simply need to get you moving. For example, you may decide to take a quick jog around the block to get your heart racing, or you may choose to do yoga for 10 minutes.   

If you struggle with motivation first thing in the morning, consider exercising with a friend. You can motivate each other to start the working day on the right foot. 

Avoid Distractions

Even though it’s essential to take breaks throughout the day, it may be in your best interest to avoid distractions that you know will impact your productivity. For example, if you could easily waste several hours browsing social media platforms, make a rule not to log into your accounts while at work. 

If you’re a social butterfly who loves to engage other people in conversation, limit your opportunities for this by positioning your workspace away from the most central part of the office. While there is no harm in chatting with your workmates, it’s important to know your limits. 

Create a Comfortable Workspace

Whether you work in an open-plan office or have an entire room to yourself, put the time into making sure your workspace is one of comfort. 

The physical layout is less important than what’s actually present in the space. Purchase plants to make your office feel more alive, and get into the habit of keeping your desk clean and organized. Even investing in a comfortable chair and a few knick-knacks may be how you get your creative juices flowing. 

If you have been struggling with your productivity levels, you’re not alone. This is a common problem that people in some of the most intellectually demanding jobs encounter. However, you’re not a lost cause. Any of these tips and tricks above might be how you achieve more in the working week while avoiding burning out at the same time.  
