Numerologically, the year 2017 comes to number 1 (2+0+1+7=10, 1+0= 1). Which means that we’re at the beginning of the new 9-year cycle. So, just like the Cinderella was sorting the bad and goods grains, so we do have to go through each life area and see what needs to go.

This year was all about setting strong foundations and letting go of what is not serving us.

The energy of 2017 combined with strong planetary energies washing through our bodies is the main reason why so many of us have felt overwhelmed and like everything has been falling apart. Because it has been indeed.

It’s required of us to assess what is true and what doesn’t resonate with us. Together with letting go of what doesn’t align with our inner truth, we have to build strong foundations for the new things to come.

I’ve felt this very strongly this year. The whole year has been in the name of significant changes, letting go, and building strong foundations.

A big inner process happened when I was staying in Bali for 3 months. Bali is well-known for being the center of spirituality. Which I thought was amazing! And it was but differently than I had suspected.

It’s difficult to describe in words, but I do my best… Spirituality can come from the place of grace and purity or the space of ego and fears. Other words, not every spirituality comes from the place of good intentions.

We need to use the art of discernment. I could see this clearly in Bali as it strongly attracts the light and also dark. This made me reassess everything (once again!).

As a result, I’ve decided to slow down and connect at even more profound level with my intentions and soul. It made me walk my talk at a more conscious level than before – at the level of my innermost thoughts and the smallest actions.

I feel like going through the fire that made me stronger. So I’m ready to serve you in a higher capacity than before (I want to help and work with people going through a major life transformation – more on that in January!).

I’m sure that you’ve felt these energies as well. Therefore, I want to guide you to declutter your life, so you’re even more ready for the new year and the next phase of your life!

7 Inspiring Actions to Declutter Your Life & Mind

1. Clean up your life!

Write on paper each of your life areas – relationships, job, health, money, relationship with yourself – and then go one by one and ask yourself: What needs to go?

What (or who) is no longer serving me?

And I suggest you spend some time on this. Because the stronger foundations you build, the easier it will be for you the next year (and years after).

Once you have the answers, commit to cleaning those areas one by one. Step by step. Otherwise, they keep draining your energy. I know that you know it, but our ego always tries to resist any positive change. So, you have to be consistent and use the power of your will to breakthrough.

2. Speak your truth.

This may sound like a lovely little phrase, but it’s so powerful when you liberate your voice. I know that we’re not always allowed to say what we mean because of others.

But the best place to start with anything is within yourself. Be truthful to yourself.

When you don’t do something, don’t tell yourself that you procrastinate or it’s difficult. Tell the truth that you’re afraid, you don’t know where to begin, and maybe you feel overwhelmed, so you choose not to do it.

Another way to practice speaking of your truth is, to be honest with your feelings. Don’t try to numb them by watching TV, gossiping, shopping, or drinking alcohol. Instead take power back and tell yourself how you really feel.

3. Get organized.

The energy of 2017 also asks us to organize both our inner and outer worlds. After you know what is true for you and what not, get organized.

Go through the place you live and organize your things. Then go through the files and bookmarks in your computer and make everything clean and clear. Repeat the same with your books, clothes, office place, and any place you spend your time.

The more organized you get, the more space you create for better things come your way.

4. Morning routine.

Just as it’s important to declutter your space, it’s equally important to declutter your mind.

One of the great ways to begin is to have a morning routine that gives the tone for the rest of the day. I like to change my morning routines now and then based on what I work on and want to strengthen.

Every morning should be a sacred time for yourself. I know that many people say they don’t have time, but it’s so worth it.

For instance, I was getting up at 5 am for a couple of years, so I had time for myself. Now that I don’t have to, I naturally wake up between 5 and 6 am ( I quit having alarm clock).

The bottom line is that you always find time for things you love, and you’ll love your morning routines when you see the benefits it has for you. You can read some inspiration on morning routine here but I invite you to create what works for you. Experiment!

5. Let go of people who don’t resonate with you.

This is a topic that I always touch during my life coaching sessions. In general, people tell me that they want to change but they cannot because of someone.

And I get it! It took me a very long time and a painful lesson to realize that I needed to let go of people who didn’t grow the same direction as me. Some of our closest people can turn into energy vampires, and that causes you a lot! More than you think!

It’d be nice to have the same group of people since childhood, but it’d also mean that we’re not evolving. The moment you begin to grow internally, you change, and not everyone you know will change too. It’s natural.

When you let go of these people (and I know that you know exactly who they’re), you create space for people at the same wavelength.

6. Declutter your life.

When I was living in China, I realized how few things I actually need. Now, I’m back in Asia for one year, and the only thing is my backpack with stuff for my work and books for studying Chinese and some clothes.

That’s it. My backpack weighs about 14 -15 kg (for one year), and I know that I could still throw away some things.

I’m not saying that everyone needs to go light But we need to own much fewer things than we think.

It’s an interesting phenomenon but when we have fewer things, the lighter and better we feel. The more space in our environment creates more space for our thoughts and happiness.

So, you can think if there is something you feel like is weighing you down and then donate it to someone in need.

7. Simplify.

Discipline didn’t use to come to me easily. It felt like restriction, but then I understood that when I know what I’m doing each day, I feel better and I’m more productive.

You can declutter your life by simplifying it. A good place to start is to ask yourself which media do you want to follow (I’m sure that a lot of space will free up :)).

Then you can think of your weekly schedule and see which activities don’t energize you and you could choose not to do them.

Let’s say that you have some project going on. You can think which steps would generate you the result you want and then direct your energy onto it and cut off the distractions.

Another good way to simplify your life is a social media detox. It brings clarity and peace of mind.

I hope that you’ve found some inspiration in this article!

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Originally published at


  • Sylvia Salow

    Life Coach, Public Speaker, Author. TEDx Talk:

    Sylvia Salow is a life coach, international public speaker, and author. Her mission is to help people step into their potential by guiding them to release their limiting beliefs that keep them from the life they desire. In her work, she guides people to rewire their mindset, clear up the energy blueprints of limiting patterns, and reconnect them with their inner guidance. You can also watch her TEDx Talk on "How to Feel and Find Your Life Purpose." Download a FREE guide to help you find your life purpose. Or join a weekly newsletter to receive new articles and inspiration, as well as, free past monthly challenges. Read more at her website: or get inspired by her two books.