Summer is here! It’s a time when many people focus on having a summer body. However, physical appearance isn’t the only thing you should worry about this summer. Take steps to improve your overall health this summer to look better and feel better.

1. Watch Your Plate

 Your daily diet is a critical factor in overall health, and it is one of the things you can control most easily. Be conscious of what you are choosing to put in your body. Load your plate up with lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, while limiting sugary foods and beverages. When you are looking for a snack, reach for nuts, dried fruits and other healthy alternatives.

Preparing meals and lunches at home is a simple way to avoid unhealthy lunch options at work. Be sure to keep a water bottle handy to stay hydrated. Minor changes towards a healthier diet add up and will help get you towards your goal of improved overall health this summer.

2. Consider Adding Supplements

Taking a multivitamin or supplement to increase your daily intake of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can fill any nutritional gaps your diet may have.

Choosing a supplement can seem overwhelming. Search for one that fits your goals, and that isn’t overly complicated to use daily. Supplements can come in tablet, capsule, powder, or other forms. The thrive patch is a transdermal patch that releases nutrients through the skin. The nutrients absorbed through this patch can help with overall health and weight loss management.

3. Move Your Body

We all lead busy lives but setting aside time each day to exercise can dramatically impact your overall health. Adding exercise to your lifestyle can facilitate weight loss, build muscle, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and help manage insulin and blood sugar.

Maybe you find time to wake up a little earlier and choose to walk your dog a few miles before work. If you’re not a morning person, take advantage of the company gym if one is available. Busy with kids? Find ways to include them in the movement, like a family walk or bike ride in the evenings. Start slow and build up as your body gets accustomed to regular activity.

4. Quit Using Tobacco

Tobacco products can be difficult to stop but doing so presents tremendous health effects. Quitting smoking can lead to improved quality of life and add years to your life expectancy. Cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases and multiple types of cancer are all associated with tobacco use, all of which should heavily motivate cessation.

5. Emphasize Mental Health

Mental health is a large part of overall health. Surrounding yourself with positive people can play a prominent role in mental health. Eliminate the toxicity as much as you possibly can. Practice coping mechanisms for stress, such as breathing techniques or yoga, or communicating about your feelings. Remember that it’s okay to slow down, rest, take a break, or ask for help.

This summer, try to learn a new skill, volunteer, and practice mindfulness. Each of these can improve your self-value, your positivity and your mental health. Mindfulness is being present. This technique can help decrease stress or anxiety by preventing you from worrying about all that you have to do and instead focusing on what you are currently doing. You can also improve your brain power by completing crossword puzzles, memory games and other mental exercises.

6. Stretch

Your muscles need to be stretched to stay flexible, lengthened, strong and loose. Stretching is an easy and quick addition to your routine. Your flexibility and range of motion will improve and joint pain may even decrease. It’s a great way to get your blood circulating first thing in the morning. If you’re unsure where to start, you can find resources on the internet.

There are many quick and easy ways to improve the overall health of your body and mind. A few small changes can lead to a big difference. This summer is the perfect time to start working on a healthier version of yourself. What are you waiting for?