business owner with cell phone

We came into this world like the latest iphone, minus the line up around the block. Hear me out on this. When we were born we were shiny and new, without preconceived notions or habits. But as we grew up we start installing ‘apps’ within ourselves that impact how we feel daily..

What apps did you download along the way that have you feeling like you’re running out of battery power? And more importantly how do you delete them off your – let’s call it a lifephone – and install new ones that will support you? In order to reclaim your time, you need to delete those apps that are slowing you and your business down. 

Consider this article your upgrade notification (it’s time to stop hitting ignore!). Keep reading to finally sync up to get real results in your business while enjoying more time for yourself.

Work in Your Zone of Genius – If you feel like you don’t have enough time, it’s because you’re not spending enough time working in your zone of genius. When we work in our zone of genius, we get lit up from within. Hours pass, and we hardly notice but what we can notice is an increase in our mood and energy. We don’t end up looking to the sky and saying Why god why…I’m so drained, send me more time!

If you’re not spending enough time here and yet your plate is still full, then you’re likely getting drained by the other ways your spending your day…admin, emails, accounting. We can’t fix what we don’t know. Start by taking a look at how you’re spending your time. 

Ask yourself: What do I want to do, that only I can do, that makes me revenue? Whatever checks all three boxes, spend the most time there. Anything that you don’t want to do and someone else can easily complete, find a system or a person to take that off your plate. Which brings me to…

Invest in Your Business – Invest in resources to help support you. You think you might be able to save a few dollars by doing it all by yourself, but you also won’t be in a maximum earning (or attracting/feel good) position. Eventually it will catch up with you and cost you much more than you attempted to save. So believe in your worth and make the investment in help. When you invest in someone else, you are investing in yourself. You are worth it. You are a sure bet.

Something else that I’m sure of – you cannot do that thing you don’t like better than someone more qualified for and passionate about the job. It’s only going to take you more time, and not turn out that great, if you continue doing it all by yourself.  And when things don’t look that great, you don’t get paid more. The outcome won’t reflect the worth of your brand.

Again hire help! And most importantly, accept and trust it when you do. The way you choose to approach your new rockstar resource is the lens through which you will see their results. Trust it will work. Sometimes chemistry and communication take time, so be patient. Focus on their talent, not their shortcomings. Clearly communicate what your needs are. Be on the same team and be the captain of that team. Lead, inspire, direct and win together. 

Note: This article was edited by a resource.

Release Perfectionism – Is it time to power your phone down, i.e. declare formally never ending project D.O.N.E. – done? The more time we put into something, the more things we’ll find to tweak, trying to make it “perfect.” But perfection doesn’t exist, so you’ll waste time searching forever to create it.

Instead find ‘good enough’. You can still entertain, influence, provide value, lead and close with “good enough” stuff. Trust me, it’s been happening since the beginning of time. Nothing has ever been perfect and look at all the incredible things that have been released into the world. There’s a reason why there’s a version 5.0 of almost everything and we all still bought version 1.0! 

You’ll find it helpful to set parameters around iterations. Work to time, not to task.  For example, if a task should take 30 minutes, set the timer and then consider it done and dusted when the alarm goes off. Or pass it off to your resource. (See above!)

Note: this article was written on a timer.

Give Up People Pleasing – If you’re afraid of saying no and often putting other people’s needs above your own, you will always feel like you need more time in the day to finally get to the most important person – you – and the most important thing – your business.

Saying no and having strong boundaries doesn’t make you a bad person. You can still be kind, maybe even kinder, when you don’t feel the clock ticking and the pressure building. Be clear on your priorities and actively put them first. Let the people in your life know what your needs are. If they haven’t been benefiting from your lack of boundaries, they certainly won’t be mad if you put some in place now. The people who love you will get it. And most importantly, you need to love you. Have boundaries, keep promises to yourself and show up for yourself and your business.

Stop Sabotaging Success – Did you know 20% effort typically brings 80% of the results? So it’s time to focus. If you are procrastinating, chasing shiny objects, or not prioritizing the core revenue generating activities in your business, you are sabotaging your success. I don’t like that word sabotage, because the truth is we are designed to always keep ourselves safe. But what is safe is arbitrary. We create the definition of safety based on our life experiences, our parent’s influence, even a friend’s advice.

To stop sabotaging success, you need to get honest with yourself. If you and your business were to continue to grow, what fears come up? These need to be reprogrammed if you want to change behaviors and change your results.

Another helpful practice is getting clear on what success means to you. We have so many images of success modeled to us today, from Instagram to the covers of Inc. Magazine, but success is different to each person. You may want to lead millions or you may want a healthy work life balance (or both!) When you know what you are working towards, you can envision it. The brain and the body can become more comfortable and you can take the right actions to keep moving towards your goals.

Now that you’ve deleted and downloaded the right programs, you’ll not only have more time on your hands to finally make it to that yoga class, but you’ll own a business that instead of working against you, is working for you. 
