Emulate others who have the traits you want and four other reasons

Holding yourself back, slumping your shoulders and withholding your voice.  Sound familiar? You may not have a label for it, but it’s never a good feeling for your spirit and confidence you know that for sure. Each time you want to say something in a work environment, or join a conversation your mind races to all the possibilities of what could go wrong. 

For example, someone could cut you off mid-sentence, as they’ve before. Or, there are other times that you might downplay your talents for survival reasons. You don’t want to seem too impressive and too good. This would surely ruffle the feathers of your co-workers and peers. 

So you “diss” yourself in public as to avoid any confrontation or just hang in the background. You see others who fully embrace and own their talents.Theyare recognized and praised because of it.

Staying silent about your talents is frustrating and leaves you emotionally stunted. It’s a cramped space to be living in, especially for a beautiful, vivid, expressive individual like yourself. 

As each day passes you by the fear becomes greater and you look for ways out of this mental prison. The root cause of this problem may be that you experienced a time where you were rejected for showing off these talents of yours. 

You’ve never forgotten this experience and now it’s holding you back. But don’t worry there here are 5 strong ways to use your talents at work when you feel like a shadow

1 .Just do it 

When you are afraid to be bold at work you prevent others from noticing and nurturing your unique traits. Sometimes you just have to stop thinking for a second and just SPEAK. 

Many of us fall into analysis paralysis. 

We try to be, act and sound perfect. When you allow yourself to be your bold, authentic self, other people are able to take notice of your talents. They may see talents that you haven’t even begun to refine. In turn, you may get more opportunities because of this!

2. Emulate others who have done what you want to 

Growth can be very awkward and uncomfortable. But those temporary feelings are worth it because you will see real change from leaving your comfort zone. If you are stuck in a fixed mindset, then try to think of a coworker that did exactly what you want to.

Did they stand up for themselves? Did they speak with strong conviction? Remember their confidence, their body language, and the reactions of others who saw them. Let this give you the courage to go for it. 

Be that person that others admire and you will inspire not only yourself but others, too. 

 3. Use feedback to make yourself more resilient 

Isn’t it funny when we see our mannerisms played back at us in a video or picture and it’s totally cringeworthy? 

Not everyone can avoid cringeworthy moments. This is why feedback – when constructive – in can help you get more depth and insight into how to hone your talents and leverage them even better.  

Even Elon Musk said, “I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better. I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.”  

Becoming familiar with your talents is similar to dating. You have to take it slow. 

First, you have to identify what the talents are. But things don’t end on the first date. Hopefully! There needs to be a string of more dates so that you can learn more about them. 

Don’t just identify these traits, explore them. Challenge yourself to live on the edge and honor that commitment. Try public speaking, networking events, strikee up a conversation at a work event where you’d normally shy away. If you take small steps each day, you will be a stronger person in a matter of a year.

oop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better. I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.”  

4. Go deep 

Becoming familiar with your talents is similar to dating. You have to take it slow. 

First, you have to identify what the talents are. But things don’t end on the first date. Hopefully! There needs to be a string of more dates so that you can learn more about them. 

Don’t just identify these traits, explore them. Challenge yourself to live on the edge and honor that commitment. Try public speaking, networking events, strikee up a conversation at a work event where you’d normally shy away. If you take small steps each day, you will be a stronger person in a matter of a year.

5.Give others a hand up

One of the most rewarding things to do is to help people. Most people enjoy it. If you’ve ever struggled with someone then you are in the best possible position to help another person overcome it. This is because you are familiar with the nuances and feelings associated with the position. If you encounter someone that you recognize is struggling or has traits that are being overlooked, point out the trait. Or, if they are working hard praise that work ethic.