bedtime routine for kids

Are you adjusting to new routines?

With school back in session, families everywhere are facing new routines and schedules. For many parents, a bedtime routine for kids is sometimes a challenging affair. This is particularly true when kids get up much earlier than before.

Here are 5 simple tips to create an evening routine for kids that WORKS! And helps with the following morning rush!

Build-in Wind Down Time

First, it’s difficult for adults to wind down immediately, let alone children. So, give kids 20-30 minutes of quiet time in their rooms to prepare their minds for bed. Put on their lamps, turn off the overhead light, and keep the atmosphere calm.

This primes them for what’s next, and you will find that they are more ready for lights out.

Related Post: How to Create a Terrific Night Routine (as an Adult)

Practice Gratitude With Your Kids

Studies show that people are happier and sleep better after thinking about their blessings. Why not start early with your kids? Discuss one thing you’re thankful for today, start a gratitude journal, or check out a few inspiring gratitude messages before your child goes to bed.

Leave them to their dreams thinking of the good stuff that happens in their life.

Find Night Time Rituals That Work for You

Along with gratitude, there are many other rituals that kids can do before bed. The key here? Stay simple! A few activities go a long way when your kids need to get into bed without a fight. Brush teeth, prayer, story, or bedtime kiss are all quick and easy rituals to try.

Shut Off Electronics an Hour Before Bedtime

If kids are little, this is easier! Simply make sure they are done with tv, phones, IPads, and computers an hour before it’s lights out. Data shows that the light from our screens seriously disrupts our sleepy time hormones, so this is important for both kids and adults.

If you have teenagers at home, make a charging station in a specific spot in your house so your kids keep phones out of their rooms. This may be challenging at first, but they will adjust and sleep ten times better as a result.

Prepare for the Morning

Lastly, a great bedtime routine for kids helps them prepare for the following day. So, pack lunches, set out clothes, or do whatever you need to do so that your child isn’t worried about getting a lot done during the morning rush. This can be as elaborate as you’d like, but a little preparation goes a long way in easing racing minds.

In Conclusion

Setting up an effective bedtime routine for kids is something that takes planning and adjustment early on. However, it can make all the difference in your everyday morning rush as well as your kids’ mood and health.

Plus, it’s a fantastic opportunity to teach kids valuable skills and habits that last a lifetime. Why not take advantage?!