Did you know that old age doesn’t mean poor health? I mean, did you know that in your 70s you can still have the agility and mental alertness of a twenty five year old goalkeeper? Yes, it is very possible, but it doesn’t just happen, you have to work for it.

This is not something about your physical health alone, it’s also about your mental health. Both your mind and body must enjoy an unwavering attention.

Remember the saying: Health is Wealth?

Well, let’s go this way. Obviously you want to remain in a tip-top shape despite the rigours of work and life in general. So why not try these simple steps.

1.      Eat well and right

You just must be choosy when it comes to what goes into your stomach. Not everything eatable is good for you. You should know it’s not just a balanced diet that you need, it must be a customized healthy diet.

What is balanced for A might be perilously imbalanced for B.

For instance, a particular health condition can make an otherwise balanced diet unhealthy for you.

So what you have to do is to focus on foods that meet your nutritional needs and tastes without jeopardizing your health.

2.      Sleep well and right

Night rest must be one of your top notch priorities. This is another very important thing that both your body and mind need.

When you have a deep sleep, your brain does auto-repair and boosts your immune system so that you wake up the next day fantastically energized and in a vibrant mood.

This way, you’ll keep a legion of ‘uninvited guests’ out: fatigue, mood disorder, paranoia etc.

 A plan to have about 8 hours of sleep each night is ok.

3.      Keep fit

When you’re working on keeping your body fit, don’t forget your mind. You need the both of them in a super excellent condition to live a life others will envy.

Exercising regularly is the secret. And doing yoga too.

When you do exercise, your body releases endorphins which increases pressure throughout your body. As the pressure mounts, the level of oxygen in your blood stream increases. Ultimately, your brain gets a high dose of oxygen and thrives superbly.

You’ve got to get off your rump and do some press-up or something as simple as walking 40 minutes every day. You can ward off health issues like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a host of others.

And while you exercise to be physically fit on one hand, you should also do yoga on the other hand to be mentally fit.  

In fact, you can take it to the next level by going for trainings to become a personal trainer yourself. I don’t think you can have enough when you’re the producer. Not if you also want dazzling looks that come with the package.

4.      Think positively                                                                                                                                                  

Don’t entertain any negative emotions. No brooding, unbridled anger, anxiety, sadness and others. These negative emotions have a way of stealthily wrecking your mental alacrity until you finally breakdown emotionally. God forbid.

And don’t be surprised, your body and mind commune without your consent! Whatever emotions you feed your mind are passed on to your body.

Just study yourself objectively to know what makes you happy, sad, worried, calm, angry, cool etc. Do I still need to tell you the path to tread?

Just fill in the gaps: negative emotions beget haggard looks and positive emotions beget awesome looks. 

5.      Speak your body’s language

This point is as important as any other. Your body speaks to you via feelings, both physically and emotionally. You only speak the same language as your body when you recognise what the signs mean and respond swiftly to them.

Pains in certain parts of the body or organs might be far-reaching telltale signs of illnesses that can easily be dealt with if detected early. So visit your physician when your body tells you it’s time to.

So, do not dither.