Mommy's Magazine

Do you punish your child for being grumpy, disrespectful or having a bad attitude? Make a positive difference in your child’s life today. Positive parenting is a tool that can help you stay connected with your child against all odds of life. Positive parenting endorses love, encouragement, appreciation, showing that you care, reminding your children of their greatness, showing respect, honour, trust, and treating them with dignity. It’s never late to start.

Positive parenting tip 1

Set a good example

Rules are important, but the example is the greatest stimulus. Do you scold your children for not switching off the lights and fans when they leave the room? Do you expect them to keep their room neat and tidy? Check whether you are setting the right example by doing it yourself. It is not fair to expect your child to speak politely when he/she is angry, if you blow off the handle every time you lose your temper. Examples speak more than words, so keep a check on your own behaviour.Teach them the importance of gratitude by being grateful for the good behaviour displayed by them.

Positive parenting tip 2-

Use affirmative words

Words have the power to destroy as well as heal. Avoid using harsh words when correcting your children for any mistakes they make. Sometimes negative and punitive words linger in the memories of young minds, paralyzing their ability to think positively. Praise your children for any good behavior they display and reinforce the good traits they show. Positive reinforcement can do wonders in helping your children to improve their confidence and develop trust in you.

Positive parenting tip 3-

Create a loving environment

Never fear to spoil children by making them too happy. Happiness is the atmosphere in which all good affections grow. -Thomas Bray

Nothing but LOVE can build a happy home. A loving and happy environment can promote the feeling of well-being and contentment. Start your day with hugs and kisses rather than the usual “how many times do I have to tell you to get out of bed”. It is difficult to do this, particularly if your child is habituated to stay back in bed for long, but it will surely work when your positive parenting efforts start showing results. Have patience. A good start can brighten up your whole day. Look into your child’s eyes whenever you talk to him/her. When your children start feeling your acceptance for them, they will surely reciprocate positively. Laugh, cry, play together as a family. These are moments to treasure and a foundation for a happy family.

Positive parenting tip 4-

Spend quality time with your kids

For a child, love is spelled T-I-M-E.Just fifteen minutes of your time every day can make a huge difference in your parent-child relationship. A simple talk, praying together, a family game or just dining together (at the dinner table, not in front of the TV) can be the best family moments to cherish and remember. This small but important gesture can give your children, the assurance that they are loved, valued, that they are important to you. There will be less scope for feelings of insecurity, attention-seeking behaviour, discipline issues. Try it and see the difference.

Positive parenting tip 5

Set positive and realistic expectations

All children are never the same. Also, all children grow and develop different aspects of their personality at a different pace. Never strangle your children under the burden of your own dreams and expectations. It could lead to childhood depression and many behavioural issues and an increasing number of suicide cases. Rather, high expectations from parents and peers are the root cause of many behavioural disorders in children. Find out the likes and dislikes of your child by talking, listening, spending quality time with your child. Tell them that you love them as they are and under all circumstances. Be their support and guide to help them face the negative aspects of the modern competitive world.

And yes, remember, no parent is perfect. Just shower your child with lots of love, affection and guided discipline and you are on the right track. After all, Love can do what nothing else can.

Happy parenting!!!!

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