Running out of coverage at a site that meets all the conditions for your phone to receive a signal can be exasperating.

Sometimes it happens when you have been for a while in a place without a network: tunnels, elevators, or rooms located in a basement or near frequency inhibitors. This very informative article by Grocery Mobile App.

Also when you are connected to the Wi-Fi connection at your home or workplace and go to the data plan of your cell phone.

It is normal to get frustrated about not having coverage in the places where we should connect without problems, especially when you may have spent time without access to the network. offers commercial signals solutions that work with all networks. So no matter who your provider is we will have the right mobile network booster solution for you.

1. Airplane mode

This is an easy and fast way to try to get your cell phone to reconnect to the internet. Activate and deactivate the airplane mode of your cell phone.

It is like the classic technique of turning on and off, but in this case the only thing that you cancel is the capacity to receive signals from your cell phone to re-enable it. Of course, it does not take as long as when you have to restart your phone.All phones today have an airplane mode in some of their menus, you just have to locate where yours is.

2. Restart

If the above didn’t work then the next step is to reboot your device. This solution takes a little more time because the phone must recover all the information it has stored on its memory card, but as it happens many times with computers, turning it on and off is usually very effective.

3. Remove the SIM card

Sometimes the connection problems come because the SIM of your cell phone has been misplaced or scratched. To check it, remove the card with the chip while your phone is on and verify that it is in the correct position and that the metal band is not damaged.

In case the SIM is scratched, most likely you will have to request a duplicate from your operator. If it was only misplaced, the connection should return once you have positioned it correctly.

4. Update the operating system

This especially occurs with Apple brand phones. If the apple company has made an update to its operating system (iOS), you may experience connectivity problems both through the network of your phone and the wireless networks that you usually connect to.

You will simply have to update the software and, just in case, reset the network configuration in the settings menu to be sure that the connection channels are open.

If all this does not work and you experience constant connection losses, it is best to contact your operator since the cause may be due to a failure in your cell phone or in the phone company’s own network.


  • Mike Souheil

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