Many are surprised to find out that good leaders are also good writers. But, in fact, writing is an incredible tool that professionals can use to perfect some skills. Which, coincidentally, are the same skills one needs to become a great leader. Good writing skills involve being able to get messages across clearly and efficiently. This is one of the most important traits of a reputable leader. But writing contributes to multiple other ways to shaping leaders. Let’s see how.

#1. Turn what crosses your mind into great content

You may not be the most talented writer, but you can always strive to cultivate and improve your writing skills. You may have great ideas, suggestions, advice and so on. But if you don’t share them with plenty of people, they won’t be of any good. Instead of sharing pieces of advice to the few that will never say no to listening to you, you can try to write down your thoughts.

Writing what crosses your mind will not only help you create useful content, but it will also help you build stronger connections with your peers, employees, and mentees.

You may realize that for your own growth, but also your enterprises’ greater good, you have to create more content. And you will soon realize that the better you come to write, the better your leadership skills will get. But “dumping” all your thoughts on your audience is not as easy as you might think initially. But there are numerous strategies you can use to become a better writer, to meet a greater purpose: leadership.

You may realize that for your own growth, but also your enterprises’ greater good, you have to create more content. And you will soon realize that the better you come to write, the better your leadership skills will get. But “dumping” all your thoughts on your audience is not as easy as you might think initially. But there are numerous strategies you can use to become a better writer, to meet a greater purpose: leadership.

#2. Become a precise and accurate writer

As you get more experienced with writing, you will develop a keen sense of precision. Grammar will soon become incredibly valuable to you. And to your readers, too. Being mindful of your grammar will make you a more precise writer, but hear us out: this will also transfer to your leadership abilities.

Great leaders are always attentive to each detail, in their and others’ performances. Although thinking tasks and problems in overall terms, they also understand each small step that can take them and their team to the desired results. And coincidentally, this also happens to good writers. They have to take multiple steps to achieve a copy that is worth publishing and most importantly, reading. Paying attention to everything, down to the letter, will turn you into a reliable and valuable leader.

On the other hand, writers are only as good as the information they provide. To write valuable content, you have to have accurate, real information, claims, and data. As writers must provide their readers with proof of the claims they make, so have leaders. If you ask your employees and teams to follow you to the letter, without offering them background, credible information, you’re far from being a good leader. Writing will teach you how to swing your opinions and adjust them to the matter of facts as it evolves.

#3. Express your thoughts clearly

Writing forces you to strive for clarity. While there are more grammatically correct ways to express an idea, you should always choose the simple, concise one, that offers the reader a complete view of the issue you discuss.

Great writers always know how to express themselves clearly, how to play with sentence structure, length, and composition. This enables them to communicate more effectively, but also to control how others perceive their message and them, as writers. Writing in an engaging and entertaining manner helps writers improve their skills and boost readers’ interest in them.

But here’s the catch, you will also benefit from developing these skills as a leader, too.

#4. Cultivate openness

There is complexity in simplicity, as George Orwell wanted us to know. He says, “Never use a long word where a short one will do.” And this is exactly what you, as a writer-turned-leader, should aim for. In this regard, writing and leadership couldn’t get closer than this. Both writers and leaders should avoid over-complicated language, specialized terms, and jargon. They should both aim to express their ideas as openly, simply and effectively as possible.

Turn into an amazing writer by approaching a simple language. Be honest, yet powerful in your writing. As a leader, you should also strive for modesty and simplicity. You should strive to improve your approaches in a way that makes them easy to understand and implement by your peers. Simplicity and honesty have always been more powerful than trying to appear superior to your peers through industry clichés and jargon. While plain writing can be persuasive, straightforward leadership will make you inspiring.

Final thoughts

Although, at first glance writers and leaders have almost nothing in common, when you come to analyze the things that bring these two professionals closer, the similitudes are striking. Improving writing skills is proven to turn managers into leaders. Cultivating writing skills can help managers come closer to their teams, learn how to communicate more effectively and inspire others.