Changing one’s career is difficult in the best of times but trying to do so in the middle of a crisis is harder still. The current pandemic has compelled many people to look for new career paths or at least, think of alternatives as they cope with job changes and uncertainty in general. 

So, what are some ways we can shift to a different career in the midst of a crisis? We’ll cover some practical tips in this post that will help you on your journey to building a new career.  

Do online courses

It’s a wonderful thing that technology is so widely available and affordable, that virtually anyone can learn a new skill in a short time. If you’re seeking to make a change, then start right away by doing online courses that offer practical skills. 

There are several platforms where you can do free and paid courses and develop skills in coding, content writing, and other subjects that can help you work online. YouTube and free podcasts are great platforms where you can pick up new skills without having to pay. Nearly 37% of people use YouTube to pick up job skills and improve their studies. The platform hosts content about virtually any topic, making it a powerful tool you can use. 

You can also opt for free and affordable platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and others, and get the added benefit of getting certified. 

Learning new skills is an important step that will help you switch to a new career. The key is to do a little bit every day. We often hesitate to pick up new skills because we’re worried about finding the time and whether we’ll be any good at it. However, commit to as little as 10-30 minutes a day to learn something new, and you’ll be qualified for a new career before you know it.  

Build a personal brand online

One of the challenges that come with switching to a new career is establishing your expertise and standing out from your competitors. This is why it is important to build your reputation online. A personal brand is simply how you present yourself to the world through social media and your website. 

So, start by creating social media profiles on different platforms. You’ll get people’s attention by crafting headlines that showcase who you are. Remember to take professional profile pictures and add a header image with text that conveys what you do. Try to fill in as many details about yourself and share who you are with the world through your online profile.

You’ll need to create social media posts and blog posts regularly to make your personal brand seem authentic. When you share insightful content and help your community, it becomes visible to people who come across your profile. In this way, when you apply for a new job or try to switch roles, you’ll create a positive impression when hiring personnel does research on you online. 

Start an online business

When you build your own online business, you create greater control in your life. And the good news is that starting your own business is easier than ever before and is something you can do along with your regular job. 

If you’re a good cook, then you could share your recipes online. If you have a flair for writing, then setting a blog with helpful content is a good approach for you. Or, you could leverage existing platforms and sell your art and craftwork. 

The main reason you should consider building your business is that you’re taking some kind of control in a time that is confusing and challenging. It’s a way to pivot if your current job or role becomes uncertain and you’ll be able to grow over time.


Ideally, you should have certain safety nets in place in the case of an emergency. These safety nets can be a side-business, a blog, other skills, or something you can lean on in times of crisis. 

However, if you have to make changes in your life in the midst of a crisis, you can still do so. I’ve outlined some helpful ways you can pivot to a new career during a crisis. While they aren’t easy to accomplish, they are still possible to achieve thanks to technology. 

It’s important to take a leap and try something new, you’ll be surprised by the opportunities that open up to you as you try new things. 
