Free yourself to engage your own wisdom and courage.

The troubles we carry are just that — the troubles we carry. When we choose to just put them down, we gain the freedom to face with courage and energy all that unfolds on our path through life.

No life is free of problems and challenges; they are part of the landscape of living. But instead of carrying them like boulders picked up and stacked on our backs, we can navigate through and around them.

How can we do that?

By giving a little distance to the issue, seeing it as part of our life in the moment, not all of our life for all time like it seems when we bury ourselves under its weight. When we see problems like a forest rather than trees it can be overwhelming. Life becomes a series of problems with bright bits in between rather than the other way around. This outlook is not only exhausting but acts as a magnet for more of the same.

Every problem has a solution and our ability to find the best solution is amplified by the space we give it. Give yourself time and space to gain perspective that offers time to breathe and assess options. You’ll begin to see that you’re not living inside the problem; it’s a manageable issue in front of you. When you shift your perspective you’ll discover that people and circumstances shift as well. You let in some light and access a deeper wisdom that is always within you but not always readily accessible.

Image courtesy of Unsplash

Sometimes there are no options but to endure a difficult passage, say an illness or death of a loved one. Again, this doesn’t have to become a suffocating weight by clinging to it tightly. Put it down. Step back. Be present to what is happening not overcome by it. In these kinds of times, we tend to want to push the truth away, wish it were something else. In denying what actually ‘is’ we succumb to the weight of the untruths. We are burdened with resistance. We can lose the flow of love that allows these times to be bearable and deeply compassionate.

Here are 3 tips:

1. Accept ‘What is’ 
Nothing blocks creative and intuitive energy faster than denial. Resist guilt or blame. These are polarities that only complicate the solution to a problem. The issue is what it is and that’s that. Start there and follow the next two tips to resolution.

2. Giving Space
Dis-identify with your problem. It is not you, neither does it define you. It can, however, offer great insight and opportunity to develop the life skills to dispatch future issues with greater ease or avoid them altogether. Just giving space and objectivity invites the creative flow of intuition.

3. Quiet Time
There is a creative energy flow that supports all of life, call it as you will. When you spend time in quietude, in nature, in meditation you tap into what is the very source of your life. There is nothing to get — only to allow. It is there. The gentle voice that shows you the way.

These three tips are simple, but not always easy. I promise they get easier with practice. Free yourself to engage your own wisdom and courage. Discover your ability to face the most solemn moments of life with a lighter heart, loving perspective and creative resolution.

❤ mh

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Exhilarated Life: Discovering Inner Happiness by Marilyn Harding on Kindle

Originally published at


  • Marilyn Harding

    Writer and Entrepreneur, Passionate about Vibrant Health and Well-Being, Author of “Exhilarated Life”,

    Artemis Alliance Inc.

    Passionately committed to every person's birthright and personal responsibility of vibrant health and well-being - body, mind and spirit, Marilyn Harding applies her unique style and experience as a marketing executive and entrepreneur to write in the fields of art and holistic lifestyle. A particular focus is the researched benefits of high phenolic olive oil for long life and vibrant health, which she publishes on the Medium Ezine, Beyond Organic, Beyond Extra Virgin. Marilyn is author of Exhilarated Life: Discovering Inner Happiness  Unpacking ancient and modern wisdom and applying it to today's challenges. Yesterday at Justin's, A parent/child guide to sensitively discuss divorce. NOTE: If you have something you'd like to say and are not sure how to say it - and you like my writing style - I can help. Email me for a quote at [email protected] and put "Writer" in the subject line. :)