Jared Raines / @_ssvisuals_

Many of us find ourselves longing for something meaningful, fun and impactful – all while being able to pay the bills. The Problem is finding such a culture in the work force that embodies all of these traits and allows room for growth. J.T. O’Donnell, CEO of Work It Daily, found that 70 percent of workers are unsatisfied with their career choice after having spent an impressive 15 years following the disconnect people have with their work experiences. After I heard her thesis on this particular subject, I conjured up my own list based on my personal experiences and journey as a writer, fitness professional and missionary – these are what I believe to be the top 3 signs that it’s time to pursue your dreams.

You Find Yourself Wanting More

You know the feeling all too well, the painful thought of waking up to deal with that oversharing coworker, overbearing boss and pain in the rear end of a client who finds something to critique with every single interaction you have. Or maybe it’s been that ever-growing realization that you’re helping some high end chief build their empire while you take home pennies, continuously sacrificing 37% of your day, when you could be using that time to pour your gifts and talents into that project you’ve always wanted to take on. Having a burning desire for something more is one of the greatest signs that it’s time for you to pursue your dreams. Whether that’s starting your own business or taking the plunge into that career you’ve always dreamed of, you’re able to recognize within yourself that you have much more to offer than what you’re settling for. If what you’re craving scares you, pursue it with all you have. That may not look like quitting your job, in fact, I wouldn’t recommend that at all. Start by setting aside some money in order to fund your new venture. Don’t worry about the “what if’s” because they haven’t happened yet -doubt will kill more dreams than your failure ever will. The great thing about the discontentment you’re currently feeling is that it has an end. You have the power to change your future with the choices you choose to make today. These small choices now will equate to hefty deposits that sow into your future. Now is the perfect time to go after it.

The Thought Of Starting Over Doesn’t Scare You

Similar to my writing, I’ve had several instances where I’ve been more than willing to toss away full projects and start from scratch in order to get the tone and message just right for my desired audience. When starting over, especially when you’re a bit more seasoned in age, doesn’t scare you, you know you’re ready to pursue that dream. There is one hidden truth thought that knocks many off of this path and that is, you’re going to be afraid – but that’s perfectly normal. You have so many logistical thoughts filling your head, taking up precious time that you really could use to simply get started. Worry about that when it comes but for now, start bringing your work to life. If the thought of starting over doesn’t keep you from wanting to play the field, you’re ready to embark on this never-ending journey. I want to encourage you to pursue this new venture with the right mindset. I would recommend that you not focus on the end goal because if we’re being honest, there truly is no end to all that you want to accomplish in this life. Instead, embrace this new road as a part of your life and  welcome in all that comes with this new responsibility of taking life into your own hands.

You’re Making A Change to Your Circle

You are the sum of the 5 people you hang out with. The soil in which you choose to sow your seeds is that of which will grow.  For whatever reasons, this realization kicks into high gear when it’s time for you to make that change and plunge into your destiny. One day you realized that Complacent Chris and Negative Nina are in fact holding you back. It’s not that you don’t appreciate their friendship but you’re able to identify that the time you spend with them doesn’t lend to where you’re trying to go. You’re on a quest to find people who are on a similar journey as you. People whose lives are marked by grit, hustle and resilience. You don’t have time nor the patience to try to convince anyone of the vision you have nor the desire you have to seek it out. Changing your circle is the most important thing you can do in order to catapult yourself into the next level. Maybe you’re not at this stage yet and you don’t have a circle – that’s okay. Start searching. Maybe you don’t have the right connections to get with those who are successful in the industry you’re seeking. Start small and reach out to the people you already know. Perhaps it’s that girl from college who is hustling to get her catering business off the ground or maybe even that freelance photographer and artist you know. Work together by promoting one another’s brands, hosting events together and taking the time out to even vision plan. By strategically setting yourself up to be around those who are on the same mental wave and grind as you are, you’re allowing yourself the ability to grow into the entrepreneur or CEO/Executive that you’ve always wanted to be.

This new expedition is going to take you places that a typical 9-5 would not. You’re on your own now and that’s okay. You’ll learn more about who you are and how you handle life set-backs that are applicable to your everyday life. You’ll feel a rollercoaster of emotions wondering if you’re in too far over your head or if you’re good enough. Remind yourself that there is a market and an audience for everything. It’s all about finding your people – the tribe who believes in the very thing you’re running to offer them. The trek starts today. Work a little at a time, one small thing here and there, there’s no need to overwhelm yourself. No one ever lost 100lbs in a day, but they did lose something a little each week through patience, consistency and determination. The beginning is here – now go.