For the sake of my sanity, I didn’t want to write another top tip resolution piece. I know its amazing evergreen content, but according to Forbes, 8% of the population stick to New Year’s resolutions. Guess who doesn’t falls into that percentage? ME. Yep, I’ve spent the last  year trying to lose 45 pounds. Do you know what happened? I ended up gaining 30 pounds and I’m sure I’m not alone.

The reality is for many of us living with a mental health different-ability isolation, anxiety, and stress can affect the way in which we set and maintain our resolutions. If I am having a depressive episode I am more likely to withdraw, and not even see the possibilities to find any resolution. I go inward into a deep darkness that may take day’s or weeks to snap out of. Once I find light it’s easy to forget that I even set the resolutions, to begin with.. and once I figured it out, I’ve already broken the habit to stay on track. I realize that I may not be alone in this and created my top 3 Mental Health Resolutions for 2018!

1.) Surround yourself with Support

For years I suffered from ” Super Single Mom Syndrome.” Thinking I had to be strong, do it all, and become overly self-reliant. SSSM Syndrome, lead me down a path of increased episodes of depression, anxiety, and isolation. When a good friend noticed that I was spiraling, I asked her to help me find a therapist AND keep me accountable to ask for help. When you surround yourself with support and love, you open yourself up to the possibility to live with more joy and peace in your life. Find yourself a core group of friends, trusted confident, or therapist, to support you where you are.

2) Honor your boundaries

As an empath, it’s easy for me to be generous, overly helpful and supporting. In the past, I found myself giving more and my gas tank on empty all the time. I gave more than I could give sacrificing my self and my time which left me in a perpetual state of burnout and overwhelm. With the help of good friends, and my therapist I’ve been able to create good boundaries and be reminded when my boundaries are being crossed. Create a set of accountable boundaries that support your mental health and wellness goals and find an accountability partner to hold you to them.

3) Celebrate Yourself

Last year I was inspired by my ability to celebrate myself when I wasn’t depressed thus #depressiondidntwin. When your down and out it’s easy to stay there, but over time I learned to counter my depressive episodes by noticing when I wasn’t depressed. I’m no neurologist ( yet) but something happens when you count your wins instead of focusing on your losses. I began to notice that when I celebrated my non-depressive days with gratitude I experienced less depressive episodes. (Vice-versa applies here too.) I encourage you to find small meaningful ways to celebrate yourself this year.

Originally published at