stress-busting tactics

It’s official (as if you didn’t know it) – we are a nation of stressed individuals. Each year almost 13 million working days are lost due to stress, and according to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) research, around half a million people believe they are experiencing stress at a level that is making them ill. 

So it is no surprise that we often need help with managing our hectic lifestyles. Stress affects one in five of us at any one time and is second only to musculoskeletal disorders as being the most common type of work-related illness reported. 

David Stalker at Worldwide Health, a leading online vitamins and supplements company, says: “We could all do with some extra help at stressful times whether it be a major crisis or minor stresses such as ongoing pressure at the office. Otherwise our health, work and relationships pay the price – our immune system will weaken and we will age at a faster rate.” 

But it’s not all bad news – some stress can be good for us. It is one of our best lines of defence and is useful when facing short-term pressure. Not only can new challenges or relationships keep life interesting but it can make us more attentive and increase our strength. Therefore, taking charge of our busy and competitive lifestyles is the key to living longer and feeling younger. 

Not sure if you’re stressed? If you answer yes to more than four of the following questions, you are probably part of the increasingly worrying statistic. 


  • · Do you find yourself too restless to relax?
  • · Do you suffer from insomnia and/or feel constantly tired?
  • · Do you regularly suffer from migraines or headaches? 
  • · Do you find it difficult to concentrate? 
  • · Do you often feel angry or irritable?
  • · Do you find yourself indecisive and get annoyed? 
  • · Do you have low self-esteem? 
  • · Do you frequently suffer from colds and flu?
  • · Do you suffer from problem skin such as eczema or spots?
  • · Do you have a low libido?
  • · Have you noticed any changes in your menstrual cycle? 
  • · Do you often overeat or lose your appetite?

Thankfully, stress is not usually life-threatening and just by following our ten tips below you will soon be able to manage the pressure and pains of modern society. 


1 – Drink More Water

Water is an essential part of our diet and if we deprive our bodies of this necessity we will become dehydrated and fatigued. We lose about two and a half liters of water daily through sweating, exhaling and urinating, so it is vital we replenish our system by drinking eight glasses a day.

Caffeine should be avoided as it raises stress hormones and can lead to insomnia, so replace tea, coffee, and coke with water, juice and herbal teas. 

Green tea is a good option because it contains an amino acid which promotes a sense of well-being and tranquillity. Keep alcohol to a minimum, sticking to no more than seven units a week if you’re a woman, and 14 units if you’re a man (one glass of wine is around two units). 

2 – Get Your Five a Day

Only 67% of us are aware we should be eating at least five portions of fruit and veg each day, as they are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, according to a Food Standards Agency (FSA) survey.

Adhering to the recommended daily intake will not only help support your immune system in its fight against illness and infection, but you are less likely to develop heart disease and some cancers. 

A diet rich in iron also helps reduce stress especially when combined with fruit and veg, so our bodies can absorb maximum iron in food. Iron-rich foods include red meat such as beef, lamb and pork and green leafy vegetables. 

3 – Take a Natural Supplement 

There are many alternative ways to improve our health with natural supplements boasting many healing properties. Beware of supplements making unreliable and controversial claims.

Instead, choose familiar or verified products such as Worldwide Health Living Fountain American Ginseng which is fully compliant with strict FDA regulations for product purity and potency.

Dr. Mark Atkinson, a holistic medical physician and one of the UK’s leading practitioners in alternative medicine, says: “Ginseng provides a general tonic to help people adjust to tension and worry. Not only does the herb promote resistance to stress but it can also enhance your mood and energy levels.”