
If you have yet to practice mindfulness, now is the perfect time to start.

Mindfulness is the ability to be present in the moment, feel sensations, and let them pass as they come. You’re aware of your thoughts and feelings, but you don’t let them control you or have power over you. You let them go as naturally as they come without passing judgment or trying to manage them.

The world we live in is hectic. We live with the mindset that unless we work ourselves to death, we’re useless.  There’s no shortage of chaos, stress, anxiety, depression, and overthinking from person to person. And with the pandemic affecting the world, more people are facing hardship and difficulties than they ever have before.

Practicing mindfulness is a game-changer for those who want to find meaning and calm in the little things. When you learn how to appreciate the present moment for what it is, you’re naturally happier and feel more fulfilled.

If you’re ready to start practicing mindfulness, here are 3 easy ways to get started.

Practice Breathing

A main component of mindfulness is being able to practice your breathing consistently. How you breathe affects every part of your body, including your brain. Taking long, drawn-out breaths is healthier for your body and mind, also known as “belly breathing.” It puts your body in a state of relaxation so you’re ready to take on whatever lies ahead of you.

Take two minutes to practice consistent deep breathing. Inhale through your nose for as long as you can. Then, exhale through your mouth as long as it takes to return to a normal breath. Repeat these steps a few times until you feel your senses calming and your mind returning to focus.

Don’t worry about doing it perfectly. Like anything else, breathing takes consistent practice to get right. Not only can regular deep breathing reduce your stress levels, but it can also help you calm your neverending thoughts and anxiety. When you find yourself feeling helpless or stressed, try using deeper breaths to feel better.

Take up Yoga

Yoga is a type of meditation that relies on mindfulness to succeed. Slowing down and perfecting the moves forces participants to get in touch with their bodies. The more you pay attention to your body in its natural state, the easier it is to make the necessary adjustments.

Yoga classes can be an excellent way for beginners to take the plunge if they aren’t sure where to start. There are also tons of free resources available online that can teach you the basics of yoga so you get the most benefits from it. 

Because yoga relies on breathing techniques, it’s the perfect way to combine both mental and physical mindfulness into your routine. 

Write in a Journal

It’s important to be self-aware so you know who you are and how you interact with others. But sometimes, it’s challenging to be aware when you’re the one talking and doing. Looking at it from an outside perspective gives you insight into how you handle situations so you can do better in the future.

Writing in a journal not only boosts your creativity, but it also brings you clarity about yourself that you may not have had before. Writing down your honest thoughts and opinions tells you things about yourself you may not have picked up on before. 

For example, you may have thought you handled an argument with a friend well, but while reading your journal, you realize you were at fault. You couldn’t have come to that conclusion without facing your reality first and seeing your actions from a different viewpoint.

Keeping a diary or journal about your life can help you better understand yourself, which adds to your mindfulness practice. The more self-awareness you have, the easier it’ll be for you to navigate the world regardless of what it throws at you.

Practicing Mindfulness Can Change Your Life

Mindfulness is something everyone should practice. It makes you more aware of your surroundings and can reduce stress and anxiety. On top of that, it teaches you things about yourself you couldn’t have learned without it. How will you practice mindfulness in your daily life?