Aha! So, 2021 brought us a ray of hope, so to speak. This new year wasn’t about the typical “new” beginnings as much as it was simply about turning our backs to a global crisis. No fitness goals and no living life on the edge (well they say be careful what you ask for). The trials and tribulations of the year gone have certainly left some cracks to be filled and most people still feel unprepared for what lies ahead.

My advice to all is to keep the faith, see the glimmer of hope; it isn’t far fetched. And for those waiting to fall in love, the most meaningful thought to channel this year for you is to create your own magic because once in a while, right in the middle of a “currently” not so ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale, with the most challenging of times transforming into the most incredible.

Believe in the happiness of meeting someone you love, may be again or the first time. And no matter what happens, no matter where your roads lead, live your love, shine in those moments, rekindle the joy, whatever you choose to do.

Defeat all those voices inside your head that tell you, one day, some day, a month, next year. 2020 had to have changed this thought process for us, all. Believe that fate is somehow intervening and by some miraculous chance, that soulmate awaits you. SOULMATE- one phenomenon that never fails to intrigue me.. perhaps a broader discussion for another time. This person makes you laugh like no one else, knows you like nobody else but may never be your ’till death do us part.’ I certainly will take this up in my future writings.

As a side note, it is quoted that a great love experience puts anything that falls short to grave disappointment. Envision this; the most delicious new york cheese cake that you have ever had and now, tell me how heartbroken you are when you have an average tasting blueberry one and it doesn’t live up to that memory? 🙂 Well, what do you do? I say you go right to the source. Hit the refresh button like a time traveler. Ta-da!

Inherently, we as a human race do not trust the idea of living in the moment. We want to live in the tense that we are yet to experience-the future. Everything that we partake in is what we hope our ‘forever ever after’ to look like, our ‘down the road’ to lead us to. What is happening right now may not be the most ideal of things but believe in it having significant redeeming qualities.  Let us leave the future for tangibles and technology developments as the ones we have, you know, like stream-reading any book you desire on the beach and your regrigerator ordering groceries for you, also letting Mickey Mouse register your child’s birthday because she was wearing that magical wrist band on her Disney holiday 🙂

For now, Go! Be in love. Watch the sunset and see the clouds change colors because “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. ”

Make the next 20 years matter….and the next.