Studies show that around 80% of new year resolutions are abandoned by this time of the year and most people slide back into their old habits. However, I want to help you with tips that can help you activate “aliveness” and help you make the most of this new year. And possibly, get back to pursuing your new year resolutions, again. 

  1. Move your body 

The power of activity is unbelievable. Both for your body and your mind. Body movement reduces levels of stress hormones, it stimulates the production of endorphins; chemicals in the brain that are the body’s natural painkillers and mood elevators. Go for a walk or run around your neighborhood. Heck, even doing household chores or walking to the market to buy essentials counts as activity. 

  1. Train your mind for the person you want to become

Visualize what you want to become and see it transform the way to live your life. This is the #1 secret habit practiced by all CEOs. When you practice visualization, it kindles you mind, and your brain generates interesting ideas to help you become the person you want to. 

  1. Reflect on your day

Daily reflection helps you pause and observe yourself and the world around you. It helps you pick up opportunities you missed, be grateful for what you have and improve yourself; one day at a time.

  1. Read a page a day

Every successful person recommends reading. But if you are not accustomed to reading, simply read 1 page a day. And don’t worry about the outcome, simply make this start. 

  1. Write a page 

Writing has the power to clarify your thoughts, bring structure and order. Writing helps you bring all your attention to the moment. Don’t judge what you have written, writing a page equals meditation. 

  1. Listen

Listening has the power to heal others and yourself. Resist the temptation to counter or speak. Hold back, let the other person share his or her pain. Listen with compassion.

  1. Speak with the future in mind.

Each word you speak is connected to your feelings. And your feelings are connected to your thoughts. Speak the language of hope and a bright future. Positive words don’t just inspire others, it also helps you channelize your actions and your mind. 

  1. Block time for growth 

It’s easy to get stuck in patterns and move from one Zoom call to another. Block time on your calendar for yourself. Time for Growth. Read, write or speak to mentors in that time. Or watch an inspiring TED talk. 

  1. Laugh 

We still live our lives offline. And experience love, friendship and joy with our loved ones. Take a moment, share a laugh with your wife, your children or next-door neighbor. It’s no laughing matter.

  1. Count your achievements and blessings before you sleep

Scrolling through social media pages of friends and celebrities it’s very easy to feel unsatisfied with your life. Before you doze off, could your achievements of the day and your blessings. Be grateful for the time you have spent that day with your loved ones or enjoyed nature. The fact that you lived another day in God’s earth is reason enough to be grateful.

  1. Sleep on time to wake up on time

A great day begins with a great sleep the previous night. Keep your meals light and prepare to turn in early. Leave your mobile phone outside the bedroom. Stop using electronic devices at least 45 minutes prior to turning in.


  • Amit Kasliwal

    Aliveness Coach & Mentor

    OFICIAL BIO AMIT KASLIWAL, INSEAD Alumni, is a TEDx speaker, who’s on a mission to spread aliveness. MY BELIEVE It's not the meaning of life we seek but our aliveness. Once we have that, the meaning of life is obvious. CYCLE Something each one of us the living, non-living, and still can't break. Earth moves in a cycle so does the sun, so does the universe and life itself. Nonetheless, moving in a cycle does not mean moving within a defined limit. One can still transform, transcend, and reborn without being dead. Just like a butterfly. From the egg to the larva, pupa, and finally a beautiful, harmonious being, it embraces life and every cycle of it. I AM NO DIFFERENT When the rock stops me, I change my course and smile. When the river crosses me I go to the tree. When life teaches me, I listen, I speak. When life pushes me, I run, I am free. STUCK IN PUPA An average MBA student rose the ladder in Times Group, Hero Moto Corp & Ford India. With a small, beautiful family I felt at home. Followed 2008, the tables turned, as the world outside was sinking I found the answers within. Followed by 2014, a feeling of non-direction in life. BREAKING PUPA 2015 metamorphoses happened and I started sharing my ideas. People connected and came along, as I went on with The Aliveness Program called Open Aliveness, Unlock Aliveness, Aliveness Conversation, and build my community called Hello Aliveness. Precisely which phase of life's transformation I am experiencing presently I am not sure. What I'm certain of is the fact that I have something to share, and if you feel connected we can transform together.